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Figueroa Corridor Partnership Foundation
Fight Online Small Business Grants


Recent USC Marshall School of Business graduates Claire Monro and Claire Fisher noticed the low morale among students and unsettling news of suffering local business during this pandemic and wanted to use their knowledge to help. Combining Monro’s entrepreneurial education and Fisher’s background in design, they created t-shirts to commemorate the Spring 2020 semester at USC - the first semester to be held online.


The Students are donating a portion of the proceeds from the t-shirt sales to assist businesses that USC students and staff would have been patronizing, but could not due to the COVID-19 situation.  T-shirts can be purchased at

The Students have partnered with The Figueroa Corridor Partnership Foundation to issue the Fight Online grants ($1,000 minimum) to small businesses impacted by the pandemic. Applications open Friday June 19th at 5pm and close Wednesday July 10th, 5pm. Applicants will be notified on Tuesday July 14th.  For questions or more information contact




Grant Eligibility

  • Operate a business within the Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District
    or within a one-mile radius of the USC Campus

  • Independently owned (including franchises) and operated small businesses
    with less than 20 full-time employees

  • Experienced challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Been in business for at least 1 year

Applications are currently closed

Figueroa Corridor Partnership : 3982 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 207 Los Angeles, CA 90037

Service Hotline: (213) 746-3444

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